Trezor wallet showing zero balance - Wallet issues - Trezor Forum

Experiencing a "zero balance" issue on your Trezor Wallet can be concerning, but it's essential to understand that there are several common reasons for this problem, and most of them can be resolved. Here's a guide to help you troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue of a Trezor wallet showing a zero balance:

1. Ensure Your Wallet Is Connected:

2. Use the Official Wallet Interface:

3. Check the Blockchain Explorer:

4. Confirm Transaction Status:

5. Update Firmware and Software:

6. Rescan the Wallet:

7. Verify the Receiving Address:

8. Contact Trezor Support:

9. Safeguard Your Recovery Seed:

Please remember that cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible, and always proceed with caution. It's crucial to exercise vigilance and use the official Trezor wallet software to minimize the risk of issues with your wallet's balance. Additionally, keep your recovery seed safe and never share it with anyone to protect your digital assets.